• Ben Avatar

    Thinking about how much I’m gonna love a folding pocket computer, 🤩 like the Pixel Fold maybe? 😏 They’ve gotta have the stylus though. 🤞 View Post

  • Ben Avatar

    A friend shared this quote with me last year when I was talking about maybe moving to Spain and I found it saved in my files while at the airport heading to Spain for the first time. Even if I… View Post

  • Ben Avatar

    Going to Spain for the first time! 😱🤩 View Post

  • Ben Avatar

    Building a really minimal and personalized digital identity, brand, and system is so difficult and exhausting sometimes. But I’m very excited for it and love the possibilities I’m exploring! I definitely think it’ll be worth it, but some days, man,… View Post

  • Ben Avatar

    I’m not a scientist or even close to an expert on this, but aren’t all organisms GMO’s since our genetics are constantly being modified and evolving through nature? View Post

  • Ben Avatar

    Wow! WordPress is seriously SO cool! I mean it’s hella confusing to figure out, but if you give yourself enough space, it’s really amazing! 🤩 I feel like I’m really starting to make solid progress on exactly how I want… View Post

  • Ben Avatar

    I’m trying to learn about how different post formats work on WordPress. This one is supposed to be a gallery style for images but idk cuz it doesn’t seem any different to mea and I had to add the gallery… View Post

  • Ben Avatar

    I’ve been exploring something that I think is super exciting! I wanna start testing it out, but I also wanna explore it a bit more through this post. The concept is to use my domain, right here, this “website” to… View Post

  • Ben Avatar

    As a former Pixel Superfan and enthusiast for literally everything Google, it’s awesome to find something that I like even more and feels even closer to me. So many empty promises, broken pieces, and continued degradation in Google’s digital kingdom… View Post

  • Ben Avatar

    i wanted to test a post on Mastodon so lets see what happens. View Post