Magic In Progress

One Quest is an evolving experience. If you’re curious about how I design, what I’m creating, or who I am, I hope you’ll embrace the messy things you might find here.

Welcome to One Quest Design

Explore the ✨ mysterious ✨ design magic I’m creating. It’s my personal design grimoire of sorts. Here you’ll find anything I’m designing, challenging or questioning about my life and the systems that make it up.

Latest Design Posts

  • If It Ain’t Broke, Don’t Fix It

    Ben Avatar

    I’ve never understood or liked phrases like “if it ain’t broke don’t fix it” and “it is what it is”. They’re the top of…

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  • The Story of One Quest

    Ben Avatar

    This is the story of One Quest and why it’s more than just my personal brand. It’s also my digital identity and the beginning…

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  • Mozilla Rebrand Is So Cool

    Ben Avatar

    I’m a sucker for great rebrands, clever designs and fun animations and the upcoming Mozilla rebrand def checks all the boxes for me!! 🤩

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  • Creating Space for Continuous Evolution

    Ben Avatar

    Recently I had a bit of a crisis that turned into a beautiful experience. I had been getting burnt out at work for months,…

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  • How I Use Design to Solve Wicked Problems

    Ben Avatar

    One skill that I focused on a lot while working for Usana was learning how to have conversations about problems in a way that…

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  • My Take on Google’s App Icons

    Ben Avatar

    I’ve thought for so many years that Google could have had a much more powerful rebrand for its many app icons if it did…

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  • Custom Like & Share Buttons for WordPress

    Ben Avatar

    I really want to make custom Like and Share buttons for my digital domain/kingdom thing here. One exploration I did a while back was…

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  • 👑 Stylish Updates for One Quest

    Ben Avatar

    Made quite a few changes and had some big breakthroughs with WordPress and both the visual design and structure of my brand and digital…

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  • Creating a Mobile App Product Sharing Experience for Usana

    Ben Avatar

    This project was started under some interesting constraints, but I think it turned out pretty well in the end. Basically we had an old…

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A Few More Things

✨ Architect of digital realms

Just like an architect helps define both structure and aesthetics, I’ve learned the skills needed to give structure and beauty to digital experiences! My passion is in mobile experiences (especially Android and open source) and I believe that the best way to define an experience is to simplify it down to its core.

🧙‍♂️ How I perform design magic

I focus on asking questions and sharing visual assets to communicate what’s in my mind and to understand other people’s ideas and perspectives. I’ve noticed that even if the visual isn’t what people want, it still helps move the conversation along to identify what the possibilities we do want are. As our shared understanding and vision materialize, all the pieces we gathered begin to fit together to form something beautiful.

🧿 The ultimate design experience

I’m really passionate about how my life is the ultimate design experience. I’m always looking for ways to keep evolving, creating systems and breaking them, and challenging my current ideas, beliefs, behaviors, and more.