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There’s quite a few things that I’m trying to organize and simplify in my life. It’s been a years long project and I think I’ll continue to do it for the rest of my life cuz I find it really valuable, but honestly idk.

Right now though I’m trying to figure out how some of the pieces in my digital life work together. The things that are still useful but in very specific contexts and don’t really need a dedicated app or interface that I have super quick access to all the time. For me this is things like Contacts, Calendar, Calculator, Translate, and probably others I’m not thinking of right now. But basically they’re things I want but don’t need readily available all the time. I mostly use my calendar for things I want to remember or tasks and notifications are important to that. Contacts are useful for sharing info, sending messages and keeping “in contact” with people. But I don’t really need an app for it that is always present cuz it’s not something I update very often or look at. Where contacts are useful is in the contextual situations that I need them. I want them to tie in to all the other apps or digital tools I use that are relevant and to do so intelligently and quickly. It’s also kinda nice to have dates like birthdays automatically reminded with Google Contacts integration that I use now, but I don’t use it that much so 🤷‍♂️