Ben Avatar

Nothing is set in stone.

I have this idea that may not be true but feels like it probably is. The idea is that everything of value happens in open spaces, between people who share a common bond or challenge. People who want to challenge and question things and make them better for everyone. People who aren’t satisfied with what’s considered normal or status quo.  People who are asking questions that lead them to better spaces, better lives, and better communities. Cuz, I don’t think there’s anything that’s valuable enough to be permanently set in stone. Anything can be rewritten and reconsidered if needed. This is the type of society I think we all deserve and need in the world. One of deep collaboration and dedication to each other and the lives we live.

Of course, part of that is space and openness for rest, rejuvenation, exploration or whatever. I’m not advocating for more productivity, that’s already in too much of society. I’m talking about a totally different shift and type of thinking, creating, and growing together. One that prioritizes flexibility, listens to diverse needs, challenges existing options, and radically dedicates themselves to pursuing changes, playfully explores alternative realities, doesn’t get set or stuck on a specific solution or status quo, and takes time to pause, rest, reconsider or totally shift directions if needed. These types of ideas all meshed in one and working together for a happier and more satisfied people that’s curious, kind, open, and dedicated.

It’s difficult to explain but I hope that by starting to share these ideas more openly I can improve them and find other people that believe in them.