Ben Avatar

I started learning about something yesterday that’s really fascinating to me! My design mentor shared it based on an article he read recently about “Technofeudalism”.

What’s that? It’s basically the concept that we’re currently living in an era run by the techno “lords”. These lords run digital serfdoms and we’re all the serfs running their digital farms and making tons of profit for them while they barely give back anything. This is especially true with content creators on social media platforms that farm relentlessly so many people data and get so much content for free and the majority of the profits from that content. As much as lots of people say that many parts of the earth live in “Capitalist” societies, we actually live in Technofeudalistic ones. I feel like this is incredibly accurate, and it’s such a fun word too! 😸

There’s still positive things that are happening in this society, for sure, but the person being interviewed in the article says that he would prefer a society much like Star Trek where they’ve grown past the need for material possessions. I’m not sure if I like that future either cuz I do enjoy feeling like I can curate the spaces around me to fit my preferences, styles, aesthetics, functions, etc. But maybe there’s a different structure where both things are possible? Or maybe, I’ll change my mind later? Who knows. Still very valuable to explore I think and creatively shatter the perception that we still live in a capitalist society! 🔥👏