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I’ve never understood or liked phrases like “if it ain’t broke don’t fix it” and “it is what it is”. They’re the top of things that make me feel annoyed or frustrated. Because from my perspective, possibilities are limitless and nothing is set in stone. And also, everything is broken even if you don’t yet see the cracks or flaws or if you’re just “dealing” with them. Both phrases are limiting and feel like a defeatist mentality to me. I can acknowledge the value of them cuz there are certain problems that I don’t care about changing or that don’t seem valuable enough to change yet. But to accept that there’s nothing left to change and keep the status quo doesn’t make sense to me and it actually actively drains me when I run into blocks like this and mental models/value systems that are so heavily entrenched in a space like that.

I guess I’m realizing as I write this that communicating with people that believe those kinds of phrases, is in itself a possible unknown to explore and try to understand better. Maybe they wouldn’t be so draining if I understood better how to make them be something other than blocks or drains. 🤔 Hmmm don’t quite know what to do with that yet, but I like the potential of it.


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